„I porodila svojho prvorodeného syna, zavinula ho do plienok a uložila do jasieľ, lebo pre nich nebolo miesta v hostinci.“ (Lk 2 : 7)
Nech sa Kráľ pokoja narodí vo Vašich srdciach aj počas týchto Vianoc.
Nech vás požehnáva svojim milosrdenstvom a milosťou, láskou a radosťou, šťastím a dobrým zdravím, pokojom a úspechmi, splnenými želaniami a dobrými ľuďmi okolo.
Nech Vás On vedie a nech Vás sprevádza jeho aj naša nebeská Mamka a Vaši anjeli strážni.
Veselé Vianoce a šťastný Nový Rok Vám aj vašim drahým!
„And she gave birth to her firstborn son. She wrapped him in swaddling clothes and laid him in a manger, because there was no room for them in the inn.“ (Lk 2 : 7)
May the King of peace born in your heart this Christmas.
May He bless you with his grace and mercy, love and joy, happiness and good health, peace and success, fulfilled wishes and good people around you.
May you be led by Him, guided by His and Our heavenly Mother and your guardian angels.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you and your dear ones!
Maria, Nyan mathiang aci Yesu dhieth yakol pen thiar ku rou. Ketku aleluia!